Cut-e Assessment

Prepare for your next Cut-e test with tailor-made practice materials.

What is the Cut-e Test?

Cut-e is an innovative test company. They pride themselves on unique test formats that help legal firms hire the best minds. Unlike most test providers, their tests take just 12 minutes or less to complete.

Cut-e hosts tests on a portal called mapTQ and has a wide range of tests including:

Cut-e Aptitude Tests

Numerical ability tests

Taking between 5-12 minutes depending on the complexity of the test and the role you’re applying for, these tests are designed to test your general mathematical and numerical abilities.

Verbal ability tests

Unlike traditional verbal reasoning tests, Cut-e’s tests require you to read multiple short passages of text at the same time. They’re organised into separate tabs, and you’ll be required to establish which tab has the necessary information to complete the questions.

Abstract Logical Ability Tests

There are two versions of Cut-e’s logical ability tests. The first is for technical roles such as engineering. This test evaluates deductive reasoning capabilities and can take from 5-15 minutes to complete. The second is used for graduates and evaluates how well you can discover and apply rules, as well as inductive reasoning. These tests take between 5-12 minutes.

Cognitive Ability Tests

The tests in this section vary in length and are typically used for hiring aviation roles including pilots and air traffic controllers. They include:

1-3 minutes

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Short term memory

  • Perception of speed

  • Orientation

The tests below are typically used when hiring for customer facing roles, technical jobs and quality assurance:

2-10 minutes

  • Concentration

  • Multi-tasking

  • Visual thinking

  • Reactivity

  • Spatial thinking

  • Memory of faces

  • Learning efficiency

Unlike most E-tray exercises, Cut-e’s version is only 15 minutes long. You will need to manage an email inbox and prioritise tasks according to the objectives set out in the instructions.

15 minutes

  • E-tray test

Special knowledge/Skills tests

There are three types of specialist skills tests specific to the job specification:

  1. The first type covers mechanical and technical reasoning. They are 15 minutes long and include 24 questions. They are typically used for engineering roles.

  2. The second evaluates your language competency and covers ten languages: English, Spanish, German, Russian, Greek, Swedish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Finnish and Czech. It is 10 minutes long and will adapt the level of difficulty according to your answers.

  3. Lastly, they have created a calculating capacity test used for engineering and technical type roles.

Other Cut-e tests

Cut-e scales clues

Just like the E-tray exercise, you’ll have to assess how you handle information under difficult circumstances. In just 15 minutes, you’ll have to take responsibility for a former-colleague who is managing a project but has left the business unexpectedly. The assessment helps employers to find the individuals who have managerial potential.

Cut-e personality, values and integrity questionnaires

Cut-e has produced three tests to help companies determine a candidate’s compatibility based on their personality and behavioural traits.

Values questionnaire

This questionnaire asks you to choose and evaluate the importance of different values and motivations. It usually takes between 10-20 minutes to complete.

Personality questionnaire

Cut-e have created five variations of this test, all of which will present you with statements that you will need to rate according to what best describes you. They usually take between 10-20 minutes to complete.

Integrity questionnaire

This questionnaire helps employers identify those candidates who may have undesirable work attitudes and behaviours.

Cut-e situational judgement questionnaires

Normally, situational judgement tests assess your competence in making the right decision within a workplace situation. The Cut-e test is a little different as it’s a questionnaire, which means it hasn’t got a time limit.

Sample Cut-e Assessment question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

In a short text, the author argues that a free market economy is advantageous over a planned economy because it inherently adjusts to consumer needs. Which of the following interpretations best aligns with the author's viewpoint?

  • Regulations hinder economic development.
  • Consumer choices drive market dynamics.
  • Planned economies better manage resources.
  • Government intervention is crucial for balance in markets.

Imagine there is a sequence of events in a system that always follows a specific rule. If the first event triggers the second event and skips the third, and the second triggers the fourth event and repeats the first, what triggers the third event?

  • The fourth event
  • The first event directly
  • It is triggered independently
  • Occurs simultaneously with the second

When analyzing a pattern of logic gates, if the output of gate A is the input of gate B, and the output of gate B is the opposite of its input, what is the relation between the input of gate A and the output of gate B?

  • The output is the same as the input of A
  • The output is always high, regardless of A's input
  • The output is null or undefined
  • The output is always low, regardless of A's input

Which principle explains why a rolling ball eventually comes to a stop on a flat surface?

  • Conservation of momentum
  • Frictional force
  • Centrifugal force
  • Gravitational pull

If the total cost of x items is y dollars, how much will z items cost at the same rate?

  • (y/x) * z dollars
  • (x/y) * z dollars
  • (z/y) * x dollars
  • (x * y) / z dollars

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Try one of our Cut-e tests for FREE.

I’ve always found the service that Law Tests provides to be excellent throughout the whole interview process.

Caitlin used Law Tests to help him secure a position at Linklaters


Cut-e Assessment Tips

Familiarize Yourself with the Format

Before you dive into the real thing, it's crucial to get comfortable with the layout and style of Cut-e assessments. On Law Tests, you'll find simulations of the actual tests that replicate the look and feel you can expect. Navigating through the test interface confidently can save time and reduce stress.

Understand the Question Types

Cut-e is known for its wide array of question types, from logical to verbal reasoning. Allocating time on Law Tests to work through each type helps you understand what's expected. Don't skim the surface—delve into why each answer is right or wrong to refine your reasoning skills.

Time Management is Key

While you want to ace every question, keeping an eye on the clock is crucial. Practice pacing on Law Tests. Aim to answer each question efficiently without sacrificing accuracy. Balancing speed and precision is a skill that you can master with a little practice.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

The pressure of the ticking clock can be daunting. Regular practice on Law Tests helps mimic test conditions, so when it's game time, you're less rattled and more poised. Deep breaths and a calm approach can carry you a long way.

Review and Reflect

Post-practice, take a moment on Law Tests to review your answers. Understanding your mistakes is a powerful learning tool. Reflect on difficult questions and the logic behind them, so you're not caught off-guard on test day.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


Pay Annually
Pay Monthly
  • 9 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 52 Employer packages
  • 14 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
  • Tips and resources

Cut-e Assessment FAQs

Where can I practice free CUT-E test questions?

You can try practice CUT-E tests using our online platform which offers a variety of free test questions to try - no credit card sign-up required.

How are the results of the CUT-E tests used by employers?

The results of CUT-E (now part of Aon's Assessment Solutions) tests are used by employers to identify the most suitable candidate for job positions based on their test scores. Your results will be compared to other test-takers and provide your employer with insights into your strengths and weaknesses.

What do I need to take the test?

You should receive an email with a link from your organization or employer to take the test. Once you've received this link you'll want to make sure you have a stable internet connection as well as paper to take notes and do any calculations.

Are the tests difficult?

Cut-e tests can be challenging for some individuals, as they assess various cognitive abilities, personality traits, and job-related skills. The difficulty of the tests depends on the individual's skill set and the specific assessment being taken. Adequate preparation and practice can help improve performance on CUT-E tests.