ACER Assessment

Prepare for your next ACER test with tailor-made practice materials.

What are the ACER aptitude tests?

Providing reporting tools and services to schools, universities, training organizations and employers, ACER (otherwise known as The Australian Council for Education Research) helps employers to recruit new talent.

The ACER aptitude tests are a set of assessments designed to evaluate the academic achievement and progress of students in Australia. They measure what students have learned in their educational journey and enable teachers, parents, and school administrators, to make decisions about how best to support each student’s learning.

Legal firms looking to hire the brightest minds work with ACER to ensure they have a comprehensive overview of their applicants’ skills and values.

How are the ACER aptitude tests formatted?

If you are applying for a job or university program that requires the ACER aptitude tests, understanding how the tests are formatted can help you pass with a high score.

ACER provides the following tests:

ACER Vocational Selection Test

Five tests exist within the ACER VST, but generally, candidates only have to take three of the following five tests (depending on the job role you’re applying for):

1. ACER Verbal Reasoning

This consists of two types of verbal reasoning questions. The first is where you will be given passages of texts that you’ll have to answer questions on. The second will present you with a flow chart detailing a task and again, you will be asked to answer questions on it.

2. The Core Vocational Selection Test

This includes three tests: verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and abstract reasoning.

3. ACER Quantitative Reasoning / Numerical Reasoning

This test examines your numerical and mathematical skills.

4. ACER Abstract Reasoning

This abstract reasoning test will require you to work through diagrams to identify the relationship between each diagram, before choosing the missing one.

5. Optional components

This includes two tests. Mechanical reasoning, which tests your understanding of mechanical systems, and the relationship between the moving parts in a mechanism. And interpersonal understanding, which is essentially a personality questionnaire.

ACER Core Skills Profile for Adults Aptitude Test

The ACER CSPA aptitude test is most commonly used in Australia, and consists of four components. Cleverly, the test adapts to your capability level based on how you have answered the previous questions. The four components include:

1. CSPA Numeracy

The CSPA numeracy test looks at how well you can solve simple mathematical challenges in measurement, geometry, statistics, probability and algebra.

The questions are of moderate to high difficulty and require a solid understanding of core mathematical concepts.

2. CSPA Reading

Similar to verbal reasoning, the ACER CSPA reading test requires you to read and understand passages of text in order to answer questions. The test includes multiple-choice questions that assess various aspects of reading comprehension, such as understanding the main idea, making inferences, and the strength of your vocabulary.

You will need to work on your reading strategies to comprehend the passages and answer the questions. Strategies such as skimming, scanning, and summarizing can help you quickly identify important information and make connections between ideas.

3. CSPA Writing

The CSPA writing test will require you to write a letter, report or short passage based on a specific brief.

Assessors are looking for candidates that are able to organize and structure their writing efficiently. This includes developing a clear thesis statement, using supporting evidence and examples, and organizing your ideas in a logical and coherent manner.

4. The Snapshot Reading & Numeracy Indicator (SRNI)

The SRNI is an assessment tool designed to provide a quick snapshot of a candidate's reading and numeracy skills. It is divided into two sections, one for reading and one for numeracy. You will need to answer 15 questions in each section. Most candidates complete the SRNI in approximately 15-20 minutes.

The reading section assesses your ability to read and understand written text. You will need to answer questions related to comprehension, vocabulary, and understanding of language conventions.

The numeracy section evaluates your ability to work with numbers and perform basic mathematical calculations. The questions related to algebra, data interpretation, and measurements.

ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test

The ACER mechanical reasoning test is typically used as part of the selection process for technical and mechanical job roles, apprenticeships, and entry into vocational training programs.

This test is designed to assess an individual's ability to understand and apply mechanical principles and concepts. It consists of 42 questions that cover topics such as:

  • Simple machines: levers, pulleys, gears, and inclined planes.
  • Force and motion: velocity, acceleration, friction, and momentum.
  • Energy and power: work, power, energy, and efficiency.
  • Properties of materials: tensile strength, elasticity, hardness, and brittleness.
  • Fluid mechanics: the behavior of liquids and gases, such as pressure, buoyancy, and flow.
  • Electrical circuits: circuits, resistors, capacitors, and electrical power.

The ACER mechanical reasoning test is a challenging assessment that requires the individual to think logically and use problem-solving skills. It is important to prepare for the test by reviewing basic mechanical principles, practicing sample questions, and getting familiar with the types of problems that may be encountered in the test.

ACER Test of Employment Entry Mathematics

The ACER Test of Employment Entry Mathematics (TEEM) is designed to assess a candidate's mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities in a workplace context. The TEEM covers a range of mathematical concepts and topics:

  • Arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.
  • Algebra: linear equations, inequalities, and quadratic equations.
  • Geometry: angles, triangles, and circles
  • Trigonometry: trigonometric ratios, sine, cosine, and tangent.
  • Data analysis: averages, percentages, and graphs.

The questions evaluate your ability to apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations encountered in technical or trade-related fields.

Candidates can prepare for the test by reviewing mathematical concepts covered in the test, practicing sample questions, and reviewing test-taking strategies.

Online Writing Assessment for Adults

The Online Writing Assessment for Adults (OWA) is a writing assessment tool designed to evaluate the writing skills of adults, including those seeking higher education or professional development opportunities.

The OWA is used to determine your ability to write a report, as well as an argumentative piece. It evaluates:

  • Quality of ideas
  • Language choice
  • Sentence structure
  • Punctuation (of and within sentences)
  • Spelling
  • Purpose and audience

OWA Argument Task

The argument requires you to write an argumentative essay in response to a given prompt. The prompt presents an issue and asks you to take a position and provide supporting evidence for your argument.

You will be asked to analyze the prompt, develop a clear thesis statement, and provide evidence to support your argument. You must also demonstrate the ability to organize your thoughts logically, use proper grammar and syntax, and effectively convey your ideas to the reader.

The argument assesses your ability to critically analyze a given issue, construct a well-reasoned argument, and communicate your ideas effectively in writing.

OWA Report Task

The second task requires you to write a report in response to a given prompt. The prompt presents a scenario or situation and asks you to analyze the situation and provide a report detailing your findings.

You will be required to identify relevant information, analyze data, draw conclusions, and present your findings in a clear and concise manner. You must also demonstrate the ability to organize information logically, use appropriate headings and subheadings, and follow proper formatting and citation guidelines.

The report prompt assesses your ability to analyze data, draw conclusions, and communicate your findings effectively in writing.

Which law firms use ACER aptitude tests?

The ACER tests are primarily used by schools and educational institutions for admissions, scholarships, and other academic purposes. However, some law firms may also use these tests as part of their recruitment process to assess candidates' cognitive abilities and aptitudes.

These tests may vary depending on the firm and the position being hired for. Some law firms that are known to use similar aptitude tests in their recruitment process include Clifford Chance, Baker McKenzie, and White & Case.

What abilities are the ACER aptitude tests measuring?

Some of the key abilities measured by ACER aptitude tests are:

Verbal reasoning: understanding, analyzing and drawing meaning from written language.

Numerical reasoning: working with numbers and understanding numerical concepts, including arithmetic, algebra, and statistics.

Abstract reasoning: recognizing patterns, thinking logically, and solving problems in abstract contexts.

Cognitive abilities: memory, attention, perception, and spatial reasoning.

Literacy and language skills: reading and comprehending written texts, as well as using language effectively in written and oral communication.

Top 5 Tips to Prepare for your ACER Aptitude Test

1. Take ACER practice tests

One of the best ways to prepare for ACER aptitude tests is to practice as much as possible. You can find practice tests online. Practice will help you become familiar with the types of questions and the timing of the test.

2. Improve your math skills

ACER aptitude tests often include numerical reasoning questions that test your ability to work with numbers, interpret data, and solve problems. Make sure you brush up on your math skills, including basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

3. Enhance your vocabulary

ACER aptitude tests may include verbal reasoning questions that test your vocabulary and language skills. You can improve your vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and articles, and using online vocabulary tools.

4. Work on your time management skills

ACER aptitude tests are timed, so it's important to develop good time management skills. Practice taking practice tests under timed conditions to get used to the pace of the test.

5. Keep calm and focused

On test day, make sure you are well-rested and focused. Take breaks if you need to, and don't panic if you don't know the answer to a question. Stay calm and focused, and try your best.

Sample ACER Assessment question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

If both balls were dropped with the same force at the same time, which would hit the ground first?

  • A
  • B
  • Impossible to tell
  • They'd land at the same time

Which of the following is the most logical continuation of the sequence: SCD, TEF, UGH, ___, WKL?

  • CMN
  • VIJ
  • UJI
  • IJT

A cogwheel system consists of 3 wheels with 8, 18, and 24 teeth respectively. If the first wheel undergoes 2 rotations per minute, how many rotations will the last wheel complete in the same time frame?

  • 6 rotations
  • 0.67 rotations
  • 3 rotations
  • 1 rotation

If the sales of a company have grown by 5% in the first quarter and by 15% in the second quarter, what is the total percentage increase for the first half of the year?

  • 20.75%
  • 21%
  • 20%
  • 20.25%

In a report, a sentence reads: 'Employees must leverage their skillsets to synergize with the company's mission.' What is the main suggestion of this sentence?

  • Employees should work independently to achieve personal goals.
  • The company is planning to change its mission.
  • Employees need to collaborate effectively to meet the company objectives.
  • Employees should work in silos to be more efficient.

After assessing a series of diagrams, you conclude that an increase in one variable seems to cause a reduction in another variable. What type of relationship have you identified between these two variables?

  • Causative
  • Indicative
  • Inverse
  • Direct
  • Proportional

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Caitlin used Law Tests to help her secure a position at Allen & Overy


ACER Assessment Tips

Understand the Format

Before diving into practice, get to know the structure of ACER tests. Being familiar with the format will save you precious time during the actual test.

Practice Regularly

Consistency is key! Regular practice helps build confidence and improve speed, which is vital for timed tests.

Review Your Answers

Always review your answers. This helps you understand your mistakes, so you don't repeat them under test conditions.

Free Practice on Law Tests

Remember, you can take practice tests similar to ACER's on Law Tests for free, giving you a competitive edge in your preparation.

Stay Calm

A clear mind is your best tool during the test. Stay calm and focused, and tackle one question at a time.

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ACER Assessment FAQs

How are the results of the ACER tests used by employers?

Employers use the results of ACER tests to gain insights into a candidate's critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and to some extent, their personality fit for the legal sector. These results inform recruitment decisions, complementing interviews and other evaluation methods.

Are the ACER tests hard?

The difficulty of ACER tests can vary depending on your familiarity with the material and test format. Some find these tests challenging, but with plenty of practice and good preparation strategies, you can develop the skills to tackle them effectively.

What do I need to take ACER tests?

To take ACER tests, you generally need a computer with internet access, a quiet environment, and possibly specific software or login credentials provided by the test administrator or employer. Always check the specific requirements for the test you're taking.

What types of tests are included in the ACER tests?

ACER tests can include a variety of assessments, but they're primarily focused on psychometrics - which means they might measure your reasoning skills, verbal and numerical abilities, and sometimes even your personality traits as they relate to the workspace.

Where can I practice free ACER test questions?

The best way to prepare for ACER tests is by practicing, and a great place to do that is right here on Law Tests. Our website offers a wide array of practice tests designed to mimic the types of questions you'll encounter on the ACER exams.