Pinsent Masons Assessments

Prepare for the Pinsent Masons recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Pinsent Masons

Established in 1769, Pinsent Masons is a global professional services firm with law at its core. It has 26 offices across four continents, employing over 3000 people. It also has 430 partners across the world.

Pinsent Masons works across five strategic sectors : Financial Services, Energy, Infrastructure, Real Estate and Technology, Science and Industry.

It states its purpose as to, 'champion change, promote progress and enable everyone, to make business work better for people' [SIC]. It has three core values , expecting employees to be approachable, bold, and connected , to excel in their roles.

Its workplace culture is centred around creating a small firm feel, where colleagues and clients build relationships, respect, and trust. Pinsent Masons seeks to build diverse teams that can use their experience, background, and expertise to create unique solutions.

As well as employing lawyers, the firm also hires forensic accountants, tax experts, data specialists and project managers. This approach enables Pinsent Masons to support their clients across every aspect of their business.

Pinsent Masons Application Process

Whether you're applying for an apprenticeship, vacation placement, graduate training contract, or for a mid-level or senior professional position, you'll be required to go through a multi-stage recruitment process.

This includes an initial online application, psychometric testing, an assessment centre day (not required for experienced hires), and a partner interview.

The process is competitive but, with targeted preparation, you'll be able to convey why you are a strong choice for your chosen role. The first step is an awareness of the stages involved and the expectations at each.

Pinsent Masons Online Application

The first stage in the process is to complete and submit an online application. This involves filling in your personal details, educational background, interests, and work history.

You'll also be asked a few questions about your motivation for your chosen role, and for working at Pinsent Masons.

When asked to talk about your interests, be honest – the recruitment team wants to get a sense of who you are beyond your study and work experience.

Ensure your responses are clear and well structured (you'll also need to adhere to the word limit). Before submitting, double check your answers for any spelling or grammar mistakes. When working at a law firm, attention to detail is key – so make sure to display that you are detail-oriented from the outset.

Pinsent Masons Aptitude Tests

Once the deadline for online applications has passed, the submissions will be reviewed to see whether they meet the requirements. If you're successful in moving forwards in the process, you'll be sent a link to complete an online psychometric assessment.

Cognitive ability testing enables recruiters to make objective, data driven decisions about which candidates should proceed to the next stage. To be successful, you'll need to impress with a high score.

The tests included as part of the assessment will differ depending upon the role, but you may encounter a Watson Glaser critical reasoning test, an abstract reasoning test, and/or a numerical reasoning test.

The tests will all be timed, so accuracy at speed is vital. All the answers will be multiple-choice.

The best way to prepare for ability assessments is to take practice papers to familiarise yourself with the format, structure, and content of the tests. They also allow you to identify your strengths and weaknesses so you can focus your practice accordingly.

Pinsent Masons Assessment Centre

The next stage of the recruitment process is an assessment centre day. This may be held in-person at a Pinsent Masons office or virtually, depending upon the circumstances.

The day includes a business simulation exercise , which also involves a review meeting with a senior associate. The task will be related to the business area to which you are applying. The exercise is held in groups, whilst the review discussion will be one-on-one.

It may also involve a SWOT presentation , related to a case study. You'll be given all the information and time to prepare, before presenting in front of the recruitment team and a group of your peers. Remember to speak clearly and confidently, and to ensure your body language is professional.

Pinsent Masons are looking for individuals who display the following qualities, so focus upon displaying these throughout:

A focus on detail – the ability to rapidly read and absorb written material, identify errors, and write clearly and accurately.

An interest in business - an up-to-date knowledge of the latest business developments and an understanding of how legal expertise can benefit and support commercial organisations.

Confidence – an ability to communicate convincingly and defend your point of view clearly, using evidence. This self-assurance should be paired with self-awareness, and a willingness to reach out for help when needed.

Intellectual capability – the possession of an analytical mind, that considers possibilities, listens to opinions, and weighs options - alongside the ability to improvise and adapt to come up with quick solutions to problems.

Openness – an approachable personality, confident in conversing and building working relationships with clients and colleagues from a range of different backgrounds. Sensitivity and empathy mean you understand how to communicate with your audience in mind.

Personal drive – to work with enthusiasm, ambition, and energy. Seeking to constantly learn from your experiences and interrogate how you can improve and strengthen your abilities.

Personal responsibility – a commitment to taking responsibility for both your successes and your failures. A drive to hone your strengths and improve your weaker areas, and the ability to give others confidence in your judgement.

Self-organisation – a logical mind able to prioritise and monitor progress towards objectives. Strong planning and management abilities that render work efficient and timely.

During the assessment day, you will also be given the chance to meet current employees (or trainees if you are applying for the graduate scheme). Make the most of the opportunity to find out what working at Pinsent Masons is really like, and whether it is the right fit for you.

Pinsent Masons Partner Interview

The final hurdle of the recruitment process is impressing during a behavioural interview with either a partner or senior associate. This may be part of the assessment centre or held on a separate occasion, depending upon the level of role for which you are applying.

Review the job description and the responses you submitted in your application before the interview, as you are likely to be asked questions that relate. Ensure you can clearly articulate why you want to work for Pinsent Masons, and why this role is right for you.

Remember to come with a few insightful questions to ask the interviewer, to display your curiosity and enthusiasm. If you've done a good amount of research into Pinsent Masons and their current work, you should be able to display your knowledge during the discussion and formulate some perceptive questions.

If the interview is being held virtually, find a quiet and comfortable location to take the video call. Dress smartly and be aware of your body language, as you'll want to come across as professional, confident, and at ease talking about your capabilities.

Pinsent Masons Job Offer

Regardless of the outcome, you'll hear from Pinsent Masons with the results of the assessment centre. If you impressed the hiring managers during the process and excelled in the core capabilities sought for the role, you'll receive an offer.

Sample Pinsent Masons Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A statistical review indicates a law firm resolves 120 cases per year. If the number of resolved cases increases by 10% each year, how many total cases will the firm have resolved at the end of three years?

  • 398 cases
  • 360 cases
  • 432 cases
  • 400 cases

Imagine you are reviewing a series of transactions to determine a pattern in financial discrepancies. If every fifth transaction of a client is an error and you have just spotted an error, how many transactions will you review before you find the next discrepancy?

  • 5 transactions
  • 4 transactions
  • 10 transactions
  • 6 transactions

While analyzing legal documents, you observe that every alternate document contains a specific legal clause. If the current document has the clause, how many documents later would you expect to encounter the next one with the same clause?

  • 1 document later
  • 2 documents later
  • 3 documents later
  • 4 documents later

In a case study of a law firm's operational processes, a trend indicates that when a policy change occurs, the next five client interactions record a higher efficiency rating. Assuming the trend holds, after a policy change announced today, when will the efficiency spike be expected?

  • Immediately after the announcement
  • During the following five client interactions
  • A week after the change
  • Efficiency remains constant

Envision a hypothetical scenario in a legal setting where the force of contractual obligations is being questioned. If the original force is doubled and the opposing counterargument is reduced by half, what is the net result on the enforceability of the contract?

  • Enforceability is doubled
  • Enforceability is halved
  • Enforceability is quadrupled
  • No change to enforceability

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Pinsent Masons Assessments Tips

Understand the Firm's Core Values

Before you sit for any practice exam here at Law Tests, remember that firms like Pinsent Masons pay close attention to alignment with their core values. Take the time to understand what they stand for. A successful applicant reflects the ethos of the firm in their approach to problem-solving and critical thinking. Knowledge of the firm’s history and principles is just as crucial as legal prowess.

Read Instructions Carefully

It sounds simple, but it cannot be overstated: reading the instructions carefully on your practice tests can save precious time and prevent simple mistakes. Just like in an actual job application process, knowing what’s asked will give you an edge. Pinsent Masons looks for candidates who pay attention to detail and can follow directions to the letter.

Time Management is Key

Pinsent Masons, with its global presence, looks for individuals who can efficiently manage their time. When practicing, focus on balancing speed and accuracy. Try our timed practice exams to help simulate the pressures of a real test environment and hone your time management skills to perfection.

Reflect on Feedback

Use the feedback from your Law Tests practice exams to reflect on your performance. Firms like Pinsent Masons value applicants who are adaptable and open to learning from their experiences. Reviewing your answers and understanding where you can improve will show progress and determination, qualities admired in the legal sector.

Stay Calm and Composed

Maintaining calm under pressure is a trait that sets apart exceptional candidates. Pinsent Masons operates in high-stakes environments and seeks individuals who can remain composed. Utilize our practice exams to build your confidence. The more familiar you are with the type of questions, the less daunting they will seem on the big day.

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Pinsent Masons Assessments FAQs

What is a high score on a Pinsent Masons aptitude test?

Typically, scoring within the 75th percentile or above is considered an exceptional result.

What will I be asked in the partner interview?

Typical questions during a partner interview at Pinsent Masons will focus on your professional qualifications, experience and legal expertise. You may also be asked about your work ethic, leadership ability and how you would handle difficult situations or clients.

What are the values of Pinsent Masons?

At its core, Pinsent Masons is guided by a set of core values which are essential to its success as a global business:

  • Approachable;
  • Bold;
  • Connected.

Candidates who are aligned with the Pinsent Masons values are more likely to receive a job offer.

What are the most common mistakes made by applicants?

Common candidates' mistakes include:

  • Not reading the job description carefully;
  • Writing a generic CV or cover letter;
  • Being unfamiliar with the format of the Pinsent Masons assessment;
  • Not doing enough research into the firm's values and culture.
Where can I practice Pinsent Masons tests?

You can start practicing with our free Pinsent Masons tests - no credit card is required. All you need to do is sign up with an email address.