Irwin Mitchell Assessments

Prepare for the Irwin Mitchell recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Irwin Mitchell

As one of the largest full service law firms in the UK, Irwin Mitchell is a leading provider of legal services for both businesses and individuals. Founded in Sheffield back in 1912, it now has 15 offices nationwide with some 2,800 employees.

It's personal legal services include family law, personal injury, conveyancing, tax, medical negligence and wills, trusts and estates. For businesses, it offers a broad range of solutions such as employment, pensions, banking and finance, restructuring and insolvency, and commercial law.

For aspiring solicitors, Irwin Mitchell offers two year training contracts at 11 of its UK offices. Applicants can choose to follow either a business or personal services route, and will complete three six month seats and one six month qualification seat. Around 80% of those that complete a training contract go on to a newly qualified position with the company.

The firm also offers two week legal work placements that take place every summer. Candidates that complete these placements are more likely to be awarded a training contract, so it's advisable that you take this route when making your application.

Irwin Mitchell Application Process

Undergraduates and graduates from both legal and non-legal backgrounds are welcome to apply to Irwin Mitchell. Applications open in November and follow a three stage process as outlined below.

The process is designed to identify the strongest talent, with around just 60 placements available each year. With that in mind, it's imperative that you make your application stand out from the crowd, and fully prepare for each assessment stage.

Irwin Mitchell Online Application Form

As you'd expect, the Irwin Mitchell recruitment process starts with an online application. This is a standard form that gives the firm a chance to learn more about you, your achievements, and your motivations.

There is no requirement to upload a CV or cover letter here. Instead, you'll provide all relevant information on the form itself. This will include details on your reasons for applying and why you see yourself as a strong candidate.

As mentioned, recruitment starts in November each year, and you have around two months from then to submit your online application form.

Irwin Mitchell Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test is an aptitude test widely used for recruitment in the legal sector. It is a timed, multiple choice exam that measures your critical thinking ability, a key skill for anyone working in this profession.

The test itself has five sections:

  • Assessment of inferences

  • Recognition of assumptions

  • Deduction

  • Interpretation

  • Evaluation of arguments

There are around 40 questions in total, which together assess your ability to analyse, interpret and evaluate information objectively, to understand what constitutes a weak or strong argument, and to draw sound, evidence based conclusions.

Questions are presented as statements or passages of text, which you'll need to study to determine if an accompanying conclusion logically follows, if an assumption has or has not been made, or the strength of a given argument. As with any form of aptitude test, practice is key to ensuring a strong performance on the Watson Glaser.

Irwin Mitchell Video Interview

Successful applicants will then progress to stage two, a video interview which will typically be held in February. This is a one way interview. You'll be asked a series of questions via a prerecorded video, and will have around two minutes to record your response to each.

Questions will delve into your skills, experience and knowledge of Irwin Mitchell. The hiring team is looking for real world examples of your skills in action, so adopt the STAR method when constructing your answers. Also keep in mind the key traits the firm looks for in employees. These include:

  • Initiative

  • Communication and interpersonal skills

  • Problem solving skills

  • Teamwork

  • Tenacity

  • Attention to detail

  • Commercial awareness

Irwin Mitchell Assessment Centre

The last stage of the process is attendance at an Irwin Mitchell assessment centre. These take place in March and April, and are typically held at the office location you have applied to work at.

Throughout the day you'll complete various tasks designed to measure a range of competencies - each of these tasks is outlined below. This is your opportunity to make a strong impression in person, so make sure you take the time to fully prepare. Again, keep in mind those key traits, as you'll be closely assessed on them here.

Irwin Mitchell Group Exercise

In the group exercise, you'll get a chance to engage and work with your fellow applicants on a specified task. It's impossible to predict the exact requirements of the task, but as a general rule you'll need to work together to solve a hypothetical problem. This may involve devising a strategy, making recommendations, or giving a presentation on key findings.

You'll be assessed on both your own ideas and your ability to work as part of a team. To perform well, be sure to make a valuable contribution whilst being attentive and open to the thoughts of your colleagues.

Irwin Mitchell Instruction Taking Exercise

The instruction taking exercise is an individual written task. It measures not only how well you respond to direction, but also your sense of professional judgement. Again, it's impossible to detail the precise task you'll be given, but it will be based on a hypothetical scenario that is a common occurrence in the workplace. These are non-legal scenarios, since the objective is to get a sense of working style, not your knowledge of the law.

You may be asked to respond to a situation that is client related, or one that is office based, but in either case it's important to note that there is no 'right answer'. What's under assessment is your approach to the scenario and your understanding of what constitutes professional behaviour. Remember those key skills such as problem solving, initiative and communication.

Irwin Mitchell Face-to-face Interview

Your face to face interview will be conducted by an Irwin Mitchell partner. It will build on your video interview, exploring your skills, experience and knowledge of the firm in more detail. When it comes to skills and experience, the questions will be predominantly competency based, so again, use the STAR method to clearly demonstrate how you have applied these skills in the past. Don't worry if you don't have much professional experience - it's fine to use examples from your academic career or personal life.

You'll also be expected to have done your research on the firm, and the wider sector as a whole. This is a key opportunity for you to prove your commercial awareness.

Following on from the assessment centre, you can expect to hear from Irwin Mitchell by July as to whether or not your application has been successful.

Sample Irwin Mitchell Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Analyze the following statement to determine its credibility: 'A legal agreement can be valid only if it is certified by a notary.' Is this statement always true, false, or does it depend on jurisdictional law?

  • Always true
  • Always false
  • Depends on jurisdictional law
  • Cannot be determined

In a series of statements, if statement A is true then statement B is false, if statement B is true then statement C is false. If statement C were true, which of the following statements must also be true?

  • Statement A is true.
  • Statement B is true.
  • Statement A is false.
  • Statement B is false.

When examining contracts, inconsistencies are found in terms number patterns. If the sequence of numbers is 2, 4, 8, 16, what could be the next number?

  • 24
  • 32
  • 18
  • 40

A legal case involves a sequence of events that must follow logical order: If event A happens, event B cannot occur; if event C happens, event A must also occur. If event C happens, what must be true?

  • Event B happens.
  • Event B does not happen.
  • Not enough information.
  • Event A does not happen.

In a machine used for printing legal documents, gear A rotates at a rate of 60rpm. Gear B is half the diameter of gear A and is driven by gear A. What is the rotation speed of gear B?

  • 30rpm
  • 60rpm
  • 120rpm
  • 240rpm

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Caitlin used Law Tests to help him secure a position at Linklaters


Irwin Mitchell Assessments Tips

Understand the Legal Landscape

Diving into the realm of law requires not just a sharp mind, but awareness of the legal industry's nuances. Get familiar with terms, procedures, and case studies pertinent to Irwin Mitchell's scope of work. This foundational knowledge will not only assist you in your exam but also demonstrate your genuine interest and commitment to the role you're aspiring for.

Simulate Real Exam Conditions

Practicing under exam-like conditions helps you adapt to the pressure and time constraints you’ll face. With Law Tests, use our practice exams to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions asked by Irwin Mitchell. This way, you won’t be caught off-guard and can manage your time effectively during the real test.

Analyze Your Practice Results

After each practice test on Law Tests, take a moment to review your answers. Understanding your strengths and pinpointing your weaknesses allows for targeted improvement. It’s not just about practicing; it’s about practicing smart. Reflect on what legal concepts need more attention and adjust your study tactics accordingly.

Stay Calm and Composed

Tests can be overwhelming, especially when they determine your career path in prestigious firms like Irwin Mitchell. Incorporate relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness exercises into your preparation routine. Staying calm can lead to clearer thinking and better decision-making during the exam.

Time Management is Key

During the exam, it's crucial to balance speed and accuracy. Allocate time to each question and keep an eye on the clock. Don't spend too long on any single question. Law Tests' suite of practice exams can help you get into the rhythm of answering efficiently, ensuring you cover all questions within the allotted time.

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Irwin Mitchell Assessments FAQs

Does Irwin Mitchell cover the SQE fees?

Yes, Irwin Mitchel covers the SQE fees for their trainees.

How many trainees does Irwin Mitchell typically hire?

Irwin Mitchell typically hires around 45-50 trainees each year. Trainee recruitment is highly competitive due to the firm's strong reputation in the industry.

What are the requirements to apply for a training contract?

Applicants must have completed or be studying towards a qualifying degree. As long as they are able to demonstrate their enthusiasm for the law and their willingness to learn, they do not need a 2:1 degree or high marks on their A-Levels to get a training contract at Irwin Mitchell.

What skills do I need to get hired at Irwin Mitchell?

Strong problem-solving abilities are essential as lawyers need to think independently and find solutions outside of the box. Clear communication skills are also necessary for the role as lawyers must be able to explain complicated concepts in simple terms and effectively collaborate with colleagues.

Where can I practice Irwin Mitchell's tests?

You can start practicing with our free Irwin Mitchell tests - no credit card is required. All you need to do is sign up with an email address.