Eversheds Sutherland Assessments

Prepare for the Eversheds Sutherland recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Eversheds Sutherland

Eversheds Sutherland believes in helping their clients, people and communities thrive through quality, innovative and consistent legal service. With more than 74 offices in 35 countries, there are a range of careers and opportunities to pursue at this international law firm.

Being one of the top global law practices Eversheds Sutherland provides a range of legal services from dispute resolution and litigation to intellectual property and real estate and construction.

Their core five values are:

  • Collaboration
  • Creativity
  • Professionalism
  • Inclusivity
  • Openness

These values are important to remember if you are considering pursuing a career at Eversheds Sutherland.

Eversheds Application Process

Your qualifications, skills and experience are important but it's your strengths that will make you stand out for this hiring process. Everything you will do during the Eversheds application process has been designed around testing your strengths - aspects of work that really engages with you and inspires your passions and creativity.

Try to reflect on this at every stage as this law firm really cares about what energises and motivates you.

Eversheds Sutherland Online Application Form

To start your hiring journey, you will need to complete an application form.

Information will include your work experience, qualifications and any languages you speak - so make sure all your information is up to date.

You can also expect some strength-based questions and assessments which explore the times where you have faced challenges and your response to adversity, as well as what energises you about them.

If you are successful and meet the criteria Eversheds is looking for, you will be invited to participate in a video interview.

Eversheds Sutherland Strengths-Based Assessment

The strengths-based assessment is an opportunity to convince Eversheds this is the firm for you and that you are a good company fit.

Candidates who do well have done their homework and know a bit about the law firm and their clients. You should also know what you could contribute and what you think you'll enjoy about the role.

You might find these types of questions throughout the application such as the video interview and application form.

An example of potential test question structure might look like this:

  • Tell us a situation when…?
  • What did you do and how did you behave?
  • What was the impact of the actions you took?
  • What energised you in that scenario?

Other questions will focus on reflection and feelings on different situations. For example:

  • What have you found motivating in the past?
  • What have you learned about yourself from different experiences?
  • What do you find interesting or motivating?
  • What aspects of the job will you really engage with?
  • What can you do or contribute?
  • What aspects will you really love doing?

It can often be useful if you practice situational judgement tests beforehand to prepare for the questions and sharpen your skills.

Eversheds Sutherland Video Interview

The next part of the application process is a video interview with strengths-based questions that lasts approximately 10 minutes. During the video interview, you pre-record your answers in response to the questions presented - you can always pause or re-record your answers.

Use the strength-based assessment questions as a guide to what to expect from the questions you'll be asked.

Eversheds Sutherland Selection Day

The final part of the recruitment process is the selection day. On the day you will participate in a strength-based interview and 2 exercises - a role-play and a written task.

Here are some of the qualities Eversheds Sutherland is looking for in its candidates during the selection day:

  • Outstanding problem-solving skills
  • Proactive mindset
  • Commitment to excellence
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Team-player
  • Attention to detail
  • Commerciality

Eversheds Sutherland Role Play

The role-play is usually a group exercise - the hiring manager will watch how well you can build relationships with new people and what value you can add to a team.

Your team will be presented with a number of issues that you will need to produce solutions for.

It's important to ensure you find a good balance between talking and listening without dominating the conversation. You must show the assessor you can perform well and be a team player.

Eversheds Sutherland Written Exercise

For this exercise, you'll be given written material to read such as a letter or email and expected to write a formal response. This will test your written skills so be sure to check your grammar, spelling, and vocabulary before you submit it. Attention to detail and communication is a core skill they are looking for.

This is sometimes known as an in-tray or e-tray exercise. In addition to your written skills, it will ultimately be trying to test how well you will handle certain tasks and scenarios related to your specific role.

Sample Eversheds Sutherland Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

How should a lawyer explain the concept of 'consideration' in a contract to a client unfamiliar with legal terminology?

  • Consideration is the thoughtful review process before signing a contract
  • Consideration is the mutual exchange of promises that makes an agreement legally binding
  • Consideration refers to the legal advice given prior to entering into a contract
  • It's the financial compensation a party receives for entering into the contract
  • Consideration is a preliminary agreement before the actual contract is drafted

A client has an easement to use a driveway that runs through his neighbor's property. The neighbor erects a fence that blocks the driveway. What legal principle most directly applies to this situation?

  • Adverse possession
  • Defeasible fee
  • Easement by necessity
  • Interference with an easement
  • Covenant running with the land

In reviewing two seemingly identical contracts, one contains the clause 'subject to the subsequent approval of the Board of Directors.' How could this clause impact the contract's enforceability?

  • It has no impact; the contract is enforceable as written
  • The contract may be voidable if the Board does not approve it
  • The clause requires unanimous consent from all shareholders
  • It invalidates the contract immediately due to uncertainty
  • The clause transforms the contract into a unilateral contract

A dataset showing the number of patent litigations in various industries suggests an upward trend in the technology sector. What inference can be drawn from this data?

  • More patents are being granted in the technology sector
  • The value of technology patents has increased
  • Litigations are a result of increased innovation in the technology sector
  • There is possibly an increase in patent infringement disputes in the technology sector
  • Companies in the technology sector are more likely to engage in legal battles than other sectors

A law firm is approached by a potential client who has been involved in illegal insider trading. What is the most appropriate way to proceed?

  • Accept the case but report the client's activities to the authorities
  • Deny service as the client's activities are illegal
  • Agree to advise the client on how to avoid legal penalties
  • Inform the client of the obligations to report insider trading, and proceed according to the law
  • Accept the case without reporting, upholding client confidentiality

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A professional and helpful service, competitively priced and packed with testing resources and assessments.

Caitlin used Law Tests to help her secure a position at Allen & Overy


Eversheds Sutherland Assessments Tips

Understand the Law Landscape

Before diving into the practice exams at Law Tests, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the specific areas of law that Eversheds Sutherland specializes in. Given their expansive presence in multiple countries, comprehension of international law practices can be extremely beneficial. This will help you tailor your thought process to the type of legal reasoning and solutions that are valued at such a dynamic firm.

Simulate the Exam Environment

One of the best ways to prep for the real deal is to mimic the exam conditions as closely as possible. At Law Tests, our practice exams are structured to reflect the testing environment you can expect at Eversheds Sutherland. So find a quiet room, set a timer, and get down to business. It's all about getting comfortable with the exam format and the pressure of the ticking clock. This not only prepares you mentally but also helps build your time management skills.

Focus on Logical Reasoning

Legal roles often require a strong capacity for logical reasoning. Our practice exams at Law Tests are crafted to help you sharpen this vital skill. When taking the tests, pay attention to the logic behind each question. Try to understand why a particular answer is correct. It's not just about memorizing facts but learning how to approach problems logically and systematically, as you would when tackling real legal issues.

Reflect on Your Mistakes

Nobody's perfect, and you're bound to make a few errors while using our practice exams at Law Tests. But here's the deal: mistakes are your golden opportunity for improvement. Take time to review each incorrect answer and understand what went wrong. Did you misinterpret the question? Or maybe you rushed and missed a crucial detail? Reflecting on these moments enhances your learning and reduces the odds of repeating the same errors in the actual test.

Stay Updated on the Legal Sector

Eversheds Sutherland values innovative and informed individuals. Law Tests offers more than just practice exams; we're a resource for staying current with the latest trends and news in the legal sector. So while you're practicing, also take the time to read up on recent legal developments. Being knowledgeable about contemporary issues in law could give you an edge and demonstrate your dedication to becoming a well-rounded legal professional.

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Eversheds Sutherland Assessments FAQs

How can I make my application form stand out?

Tailor your skills and experience to this particular position so that recruiters can easily identify why you are a good fit for the company. Make sure all of the information provided on your CV is up-to-date and accurate; it will not go unnoticed if there are discrepancies between what is written on your application form and what is contained in other documents.

Why does Eversheds Sutherland require candidates to take strengths-based assessments?

The strengths-based assessment helps Eversheds Sutherland determine if someone displays the qualities necessary for success, such as strong communication skills and problem-solving abilities.

Is the Eversheds Sutherland strengths-based assessment difficult?

While strengths-based assessments provide a clear view of a candidate's overall capabilities, many people find it challenging when presented with such difficult questions. However, you can improve your chances of success by practicing situational judgement tests. These tests can help you familiarize yourself with the format and sharpen your decision-making skills under pressure.

Where can I practice Eversheds Sutherland assessments?

To practice Eversheds Sutherland assessments, you can sign up for a free trial here - no credit card required. Our practice questions have been designed by psychometricians to replicate real-life situations that you'll experience while working in the legal field.