Dentons Assessments

Prepare for the Dentons recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Dentons

Dentons is a global law firm, employing over 10,000 lawyers across more than 70 countries. The award-winning firm has a strong reputation across its ten practice areas. Dentons works across the sectors of Banking & Finance, Competition, Corporate, Dispute Resolution, Energy, Transport & Infrastructure, People, Reward & Mobility, Real Estate, Tax, Technology, Media & Telecommunications and Private Client.

The firm has three core values that guide its work. Dentons is:

Always human – Honest, open and empathetic towards fellow colleagues, clients and the Dentons community.

Stronger together – Working collaboratively and as one, to tap into diverse strengths and achieve success together.

Here to win – Dentons is an ambitious firm, focussed upon the future.

The firm prioritises diversity and inclusion, with six diversity networks supporting staff of all ethnicities, genders and parental statuses. It also aims to cultivate and encourage a healthy work-life balance, with a mental health and wellbeing network.

Dentons has a workforce of over 800 lawyers in the UK and accepts around 40 graduates and young professionals into trainee positions every year.

Dentons Application Process

The Dentons application process is multi-stage and competitive due to the limited number of vacancies and trainee positions available. Applicants are assessed through an online application form, psychometric testing, interviews and an assessment centre.

Dentons recruits on a rolling basis so applying as soon as possible – and well before the application deadline – is recommended.

Dentons Online Application Form

The online application form requires candidates to provide information on their education, work experience and extra-curricular activities. It also features questions exploring your motivations for applying to Dentons and the skills and attributes you bring to the table.

The application form is your first chance to outline what makes you unique – your experiences, strengths and approach. Seek to illustrate a good knowledge of Dentons – so do your research before tackling the questions on the form. The aim is to display how your skills and competencies make you a great fit for the responsibilities and culture of Dentons. The questions have word limits which indicate the level of detail sought. To create a good impression upon the recruitment team reviewing your application, your responses should be concise and well-structured. Spend some time proofing your application to avoid mistakes, and perhaps get a fresh pair of eyes to glance over it for you before submission.

Dentons Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test

The Watson Glaser Critical Thinking Test assesses your analytical and logical reasoning skills. To be successful, candidates will need to display they can analyse and interpret given information, make informed inferences and assumptions, and form a solid and compelling argument.

The Watson Glaser test is composed of 40 multiple choice questions which must be answered within a 30-minute period. The questions are divided into five areas: drawing inferences, recognising assumptions, deduction, interpretation and evaluating arguments.

Throughout the test, you will be presented with statements and paragraphs of text, which you are expected to critically analyse and use to reach conclusions that are free of bias and not swayed by existing knowledge.

Some questions require candidates to indicate if statements are true, false or if you cannot say, others ask you to identify if an assumption has been made or judge whether a given set of conclusions can be logically drawn from a paragraph of information.

As the test is timed, candidates will need to work quickly and accurately through the questions in order to secure a high score. If the test is completed before the time limit, you can review your answers before submitting your test entry.

Once you have received the invite to sit the test online, you will have a few days to complete and submit the assessment. Once you begin the test, however, it needs to be taken in one sitting.

Before beginning the test, ensure you are in a quiet environment with minimal distraction. Check your internet connection is stable and update your browser to avoid any technical issues.

Dentons Behavioural Interview

The behavioural interview is your first opportunity to directly converse with the Dentons recruitment team. The interview will explore your experiences and skills, assessing your suitability for your chosen practice area. It will also delve deeper into your motivations and seek to understand what drives you.

You will need to be able to confidently explain the draw of Dentons and your practice area, whilst evidencing why you are the best choice. If you find structuring interview responses difficult, remember the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) can be useful to ensure you are backing up your assertions.

Do your due diligence when it comes to research, ensuring that you are up to date on relevant news stories, deals and recent projects Dentons has been involved in. Successful candidates are able to insightfully discuss the working landscape and current developments, whilst displaying their enthusiasm for the sector.

Your interview is a chance to sell yourself, so stabilise your nerves and approach it as a positive opportunity. Be self-assured and highlight your direct contributions within a range of past experiences. It can feel unnatural to promote yourself, but recruiters want to get a clear picture of your abilities - so highlight your achievements and don’t sell yourself short.

Also, don’t feel pressured to answer the questions immediately. It is okay to take a moment to think, find the best illustrative example and formulate a strong response. Importantly, make sure you are answering the exact question being asked – candidates who rush to answer often fail to get to the crux of the question.

It is also good practise to review your initial application in preparation for the interview, as the recruiter may draw upon details included.

Dentons Assessment Centre

The Dentons assessment centre is the final stage of the recruitment process. It is split into two tasks: a written exercise and role play, and a case study and interview.

When undertaking the written exercise, make sure to read the instructions carefully to ensure you are clear on the task. Your response should be logical, nuanced and well-presented. When composing your recommendations, keep your audience in mind. It is also sensible to build in some time to proofread your work and avoid unnecessary mistakes. In the role play exercise, make an active contribution and display your potential. It is equally important, however, to show that you understand the importance of strong listening skills. Balance your vocal contribution with the acknowledgement and encouragement of the voices of others. The subject of the role play will be connected to the topic of the written exercise.

During the case study task, take time to consider all the information provided. The recruitment team is looking for the ability to quickly absorb, synthesise and draw inferences from a range of sources. Work logically through the information and data provided, constructing an informed, proportionate, and effective course of action.

You will be asked about your response to the case study during a final interview, so ensure you are confident in justifying your chosen approach. The interview may also touch again upon topics raised in your application form and previous behavioural interview, so be prepared to revisit your examples and reiterate your motivation and enthusiasm.

Sample Dentons Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

A junior associate is analyzing case precedents and notices a recurring pattern in judgements related to contract disputes. If the first three observations are that 'Good faith' considerations outweigh 'Technical breaches', 'Commercial intent' supersedes 'Literal interpretations', and 'Mitigating circumstances' mitigate 'Contractual penalties', which extrapolation is likely to follow as a guiding principle?

  • 'Literal interpretations' will generally prevail over 'Commercial intent'.
  • 'Contractual guidelines' will normally trump 'External factors'.
  • 'Equitable remedies' may override 'Legal technicalities'.
  • 'Technical breaches' are often considered more critical than 'Good faith efforts'.

A trainee lawyer is tasked with reviewing the financial statements of four different court cases with the following amounts in contention: $750,000, $1,200,000, $250,000, and $950,000. If she has to prioritize her review based on the average amount in contention of these cases, what threshold should she set to select the top 50% of cases by amount?

  • $950,000
  • $800,000
  • $1,200,000
  • $475,000

During a contract revision, a lawyer identifies an inconsistency where the contract stipulates both a 15% penalty for late delivery of services as well as a $25,000 flat fee for the same infraction. If the contract value is $250,000, which penalty provision should the lawyer advise to be the sole clause for economic feasibility if late delivery is expected?

  • 15% Penalty
  • $25,000 Flat Fee
  • The Greater of the Two Penalties
  • An Average of Both Penalties

A legal document states that 'Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, no indemnification for damages shall apply to breaches of confidentiality.' What does the clause logically imply?

  • Confidentiality breaches are subject to indemnification regardless of other clauses.
  • Indemnification is applicable to all breaches except those regarding confidentiality.
  • All breaches, including confidentiality, will be indemnified.
  • The clause is ambiguous and does not specify the remedy for breaches of confidentiality.

A statement from a legal report reads: 'The majority of clients have expressed satisfaction, but a significant minority have filed complaints.' Which interpretation of the report's statement is most accurate?

  • Most clients are unsatisfied, and a small number have complained.
  • Client satisfaction and complaints are both high.
  • More than half of the clients are satisfied, though a considerable portion have complaints.
  • A significant majority have filed complaints about the services provided.

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Dentons Assessments Tips

Get Familiar with Common Legal Test Formats

An excellent start to conquering your legal sector exams is to become comfortable with the types of questions you'll encounter. At Law Tests, we've carefully designed our practice exams to mirror the layout and content you're likely to face when applying for a position at Dentons. Understanding the structure helps you navigate the tests with confidence and eases the anxiety that comes with facing the unknown.

Hone Your Time Management Skills

Time is of the essence in any exam, and legal sector tests are no exception. To succeed, practice pacing yourself with our timed practice exams. By doing so, you'll get a sense of how long to spend on each question and learn to manage the clock effectively - a skill that Dentons and other law firms value in their busy, time-sensitive environments.

Focus on Your Analytical Abilities

Law firms like Dentons are on the lookout for sharp analytical minds. Practicing exams that challenge your critical thinking and problem-solving skills is key. Our exam suite offers you ample opportunity to polish these skills so you can stand out to employers who need team members capable of tackling complex legal conundrums.

Review the Basics

Never underestimate the power of the basics. Refresh your knowledge of fundamental legal principles and procedures. While our exams are designed to be challenging, they also cover the essentials. A solid grasp of the basics can sometimes make the difference between an average and an impressive performance.

Stay Calm and Positive

It’s natural to feel some nerves when facing job-related exams, but staying calm can help you perform at your best. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization, before tackling our practice tests. A positive mindset will enable you to think more clearly and remain focused, qualities that are crucial for success in the dynamic legal world.

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Dentons Assessments FAQs

Is a 2:1 degree required to apply at Dentons?

Yes, to apply for a training contract at Dentons a 2:1 degree is required.

How can I prepare for a behavioral interview?

The best way to prepare for a behavioral interview is by researching the firm and its values, reflecting on your experience and achievements, creating examples of how you match their skills or values, and practicing possible questions.

What is a high score on a Dentons critical thinking test?

A high score typically ranges from 75-90%.

Why does Dentons use the Watson Glaser test?

Dentons uses the Watson Glaser test to accurately identify who has the best chance of success within their organization. The test examines how well an individual can reason through complex matters, comprehend arguments and draw logical conclusions from the presented information.

How can I practice Denton's tests for free?

You can try our Denton's tests package for free. Our tests have been designed by experts who are familiar with the exam's format and content. No credit card is required - all you need to do is sign up using your email address.