Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Assessments

Ace your application with Cleary Gottlieb's tailored practice tests.

Careers at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton is a world-renowned law firm offering exciting opportunities for professionals in the legal sector. With its reputation for legal excellence and a global presence, positions at Cleary Gottlieb are highly sought after by ambitious individuals. Their selection process is designed to identify candidates who not only possess top-notch legal expertise but who also embody the firm's core values and can handle the intricate nature of international law. The firm's dynamic environment calls for proactive and intellectually versatile team players.

Growing your career with Cleary Gottlieb means being at the forefront of legal innovation, dealing with complex cases that can have a profound impact on the global stage. Keep in mind, though, that securing a job at such a prestigious firm requires demonstrating your skills through their rigorous hiring process, tailored to assess a candidate's full potential.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Application Process

The selection process has 4 major stages:

1. Online Application

2. Online Assessments

3. Interview

4. Assessment Centre

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Online Application

The online application is your first opportunity to make a lasting impression. When applying to Cleary Gottlieb, you'll need to showcase not just your academic and professional achievements, but also explain how they align with the firm's values and clientele. Expect to provide details on your legal expertise, experiences, and reason for applying.

It is essential to tailor your application specifically to Cleary Gottlieb, emphasizing your analytical skills and global legal understanding, as the firm prides itself on a nuanced approach to international law.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Online Assessments

Online Assessments are a crucial part of the Cleary Gottlieb application process. They are designed to evaluate your problem-solving capabilities, analytical reasoning, and comprehension of complex legal documents and financial data. Candidates can expect a series of tests that may cover logical reasoning, verbal ability, and situational judgment.

It's viewed as a litmus test for your proficiency in the skills that are integral to the firm's day-to-day operations.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Interview

The interview stage at Cleary Gottlieb is your chance to bring your application to life. It involves not only discussions about your past achievements and qualifications but also tests your ability to think on your feet. Candidates are often presented with case studies or hypothetical scenarios reflective of the firm’s work.

This step gives you the chance to demonstrate your in-depth knowledge of the law, ethical practices, and your fit with the firm’s culture.

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre is typically the final hurdle in the Cleary Gottlieb application process, providing a comprehensive evaluation of each candidate's fit for the firm. It involves a combination of group exercises, additional interviews, and role-playing scenarios that assess how you work with others, handle client situations, and apply your knowledge under pressure.

Expect to be assessed not just on your legal acumen but also on how well you embody the firm's values of teamwork, ethics, and excellence.

Sample Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

Based on these 309 components, what is the probability that a randomly chosen component is A and fails the test?

Component A524294
Component B4572117
Component C742498
  • 0.3542
  • 0.4527
  • 0.1254
  • 0.1359

Which city's stores have the lowest average number of male managers per store?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • Manchester
  • Birmingham
  • Edinburgh
  • Leeds
  • London

Units shipped from the Birmingham, Edinburgh and Leeds falls by 7%, 5% and 12% respectively. Across the 5 towns shown, how many units are produced but not shipped?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • 13,300
  • 13,301
  • 13,302
  • 13,303
  • 13,304

How many jobs are cut in the Manchester and London offices?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • 400
  • 410
  • 420
  • 430
  • 440

One customer purchased 90% of the units sold at the reduced sale price from the Manchester and Leeds stores. How much did the customer save compared to the full sales price?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • £3,101
  • £2,709
  • £5,805
  • £9,460
  • £2,765

Based on these 309 components, what is the probability that a randomly chosen component passes the test?

Component A524294
Component B4572117
Component C742498
  • 0.5534
  • 0.6752
  • 0.4215
  • 0.7145

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I’ve always found the service that Law Tests provides to be excellent throughout the whole interview process.

Caitlin used Law Tests to help him secure a position at Linklaters


Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Assessments Tips

Understand the Format

Get familiar with the various types of questions and formats you can expect in the assessments.

Practice Critical Thinking

Hone your problem-solving skills by practicing scenarios similar to what you might face in the test.

Review Fundamental Concepts

Ensure you have a solid grasp of the basic legal and financial principles relevant to the firm's work.

Communication is Key

Work on your ability to express complex ideas clearly and concisely, a crucial factor in these assessments.

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Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton Assessments FAQs

What are the Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton tests?

The Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton tests are part of the firm’s meticulous hiring process, designed to assess candidates' abilities across various competencies necessary for a career in law. This could range from your analytical thinking to your proficiency in dealing with legal and financial concepts.

Are the Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton tests hard?

The tests at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton are challenging, reflecting the firm's high standards and the complex nature of the legal services they provide. They require thorough preparation, especially in areas like critical reasoning and ethical judgment.

How do I prepare for Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton tests?

To prepare for Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton's tests, it's best to practice taking similar exams systematically. Law Tests offers a variety of practice tests that can help you get accustomed to the types of questions you might face, for free.

How long does the recruitment process take at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton?

The recruitment process at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton can vary considerably depending on the role and other factors. It typically involves several stages, each designed to assess different skills and qualities, potentially extending from a few weeks to a couple of months.

What are Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton's core values?

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton's core values emphasize ethics, professionalism, a collaborative mindset, effective communication, and the delivery of exceptional service to their clients through innovative legal solutions.